
How To Open The Same App Twice On Windows 10

Since its oldest versions, Windows allows us to open multiple copies of the same application at the same time. And, with a few exceptions, about programs will allow u.s.a. to run multiple instances at the same fourth dimension. There are even dissimilar ways to open the same program.

Do all apps back up multiple windows?

Being able to open up multiple windows from the same application may be of involvement to us in sure circumstances. For example, if we have the WhatsApp app installed, we may want to open up it twice so that nosotros can connect with 2 different users. Nevertheless, although well-nigh programs allow yous to run multiple instances at the aforementioned time, others are not supported.

Applications that we tin utilize on a daily basis such as Chrome, Firefox, Microsoft Office, will allow us to open multiple instances, while others that we can use on a daily basis such as Steam, GIMP, Dropbox, Skype or Spotify will non. non. enable these multitasking. UWP apps downloaded from the Microsoft Store volition besides non allow us to open multiple instances of the same app at the aforementioned time.

Ways to open the same program multiple times

Next, we will see the dissimilar means in which nosotros should be able to open up the same program multiple times, in cases where it is not enough to accept simply 1 re-create running.

Run the same program multiple times

The easiest way to run ii or more instances of the same programme is, but, run it multiple times when open. Information technology does not work besides with all programs, beingness peculiarly suitable for browsers, system utilities (Paint, Calculator, Command Prompt, etc.) or Microsoft Role applications.

It'south possible use a shortcut on the desktop to run the program every bit many times as we want, opening a new window each time. We can also find the program in the starting time menu and click on the program again to start it, beingness able to run it with a single click or as an ambassador. It is besides possible to use a keyboard shortcut "Ctrl + Shift + Click", simultaneously holding downwards the "Ctrl" and "Shift" keys while clicking on the open up application icon in the taskbar. Each click will reopen the app in multiple instances.

To open a second window of some open up applications, this can be done by holding down the "Shift" key and click on the icon in the taskbar. Alternatively, we can restart programs similar Microsoft Word past pressing "Ctrl + N".

Notwithstanding, running the same programme twice is not compatible with some applications, so you lot will have to wait for other possible solutions.

Open up a program from another user account

Every fourth dimension we open an application, Windows creates a new process for that program in our user account. Therefore, if we take more than one user in our system, we can use the same program with a dissimilar user. This is something that we tin run into from the "Task Director", by pressing "Ctrl + Shift + Del" and clicking on the "Details" tab. In the "Username" column we can cheque which user started the process.

Users task manager

Create a new account

So that it is not necessary to switch betwixt accounts, we tin can run the program with another user, while remaining in our current account. We can create a new user from the "Configuration" section, by pressing "Windows + I". After we enter the section "Accounts" and "Family and other users". Here we click on "Add together someone else to this team".

Add another person to this team

And so we click on "I don't have this person's login information" at the bottom. Since information technology is not necessary to accept a Microsoft account, we click on "Add together user without Microsoft account" and set a username and password. If we do not establish a password, the function of running another instance of the program with this account will non piece of work, so it is of import that we fill up it in and do not forget this login information.

Add a user without a Microsoft account

Indistinguishable programme with another business relationship

To reopen a programme from another account, nosotros need to observe it using the start menu and right clicking on the app. Later we choose "Open up file location" which volition open it from the file explorer. Then we hold down the "Shift" key while we right click on the programme, which will open a context carte du jour with more options. Hither we will select "Run as different user" which will open a login window to access the other account. One time logged in with our username and password, the awarding will launch with the new account.

Run as another user

Use SandBoxie Plus to open up the program in an isolated environment

Some other pick that we have to open up several times is to use software like SandBoxie Plus. It is a sandbox for Windows that allows us to run applications on a system isolated from our computer. Information technology is mainly used to test downloads which may be dangerous in a controlled surroundings, but in this case nosotros tin as well use information technology to open multiple versions of the same programme.

To do this, we demand to offset by downloading the latest version of Sandboxie Plus from this link and installing it. Once done, when we right click on a program from File Explorer, we will encounter an entry called "Run in Sandbox", as long every bit nosotros enabled it when installing it.

Running a program with Sandboxed

Equally in the previous example, we have to find the app nosotros want to duplicate in the Start menu. Then, right-click on it while holding down the "Shift" key and select "Open file location", and so that it is displayed from the file explorer. Then we right click on the app and select "Run in sandbox mode".

The programme volition run once again and appear in the taskbar surrounded by a yellow edge when we hover the mouse pointer over the window. It is important to know that before closing the application we need to save the changes we make considering when closing Sandboxie all the changes that were non saved will be lost.


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