
How To Clean Baitcaster Reels After Saltwater Fishing

How to clean your reel after saltwater fishing ?

I know, the last affair you want to do after a long day of saltwater angling is to open up the tackle box and make clean your reel.

I totally understand that…

As fun and entertaining as it can be, fishing off the beach tin can exist so tiring and exhausting that at the end of the twenty-four hour period, you can no longer open the tackle box and encounter that dirty gear over again.

But unfortunately, cleaning the reel later on saltwater angling is something you lot can not afford to miss.

Salt residues and sand particles can completely destroy your fishing equipment. Yes, the damage may non be visible on the short-range, but you volition gradually start to notice that the spool is non every bit shine as it used to be, until the day it becomes totally defective.

I used to underestimate the importance of cleaning my gear after fishing (or maybe I was merely lazy :D), and believe me, it price me a lot of money, headache, and regrets.

Maintaining your reel and equipment afterward saltwater fishing is therefore a skillful addiction to larn if you lot want to significantly improve the durability and lifespan of your reel.

Then how to clean your reel after beach line-fishing ? And how ofttimes should y'all exercise information technology ?

In a few words, you must clean your reel after every trip of saltwater fishing. To practice so, first wash the reel with lather and water to remove dirt, salt, and lubricants, then utilize a water spray to rinse the reel. After drying the reel, use an oil and protective coating to proceed it in prime condition and forbid corrosion.

In this article, nosotros will explain in more detail each footstep of this cleaning procedure, along with some very important tips to call back when cleaning your saltwater reel. So stay with me 😉

Is it necessary to clean your reel later saltwater angling ?

Salt can cause corrosion of metallic components. How that happens ? Well, corrosion occurs when there is an exchange of electrons betwixt fe, oxygen, and water (or moisture), and since saltwater is an electrolytic solution, which ways that it contains more than dissolved ions and therefore allows electrons to motility more easily, rust forms faster on metallic objects in a saline environs.

What does all this hateful for our saltwater reels ?

it ways ii simple things :

  1. Salt does not cause rust, but only accelerates the rusting procedure.
  2. Drying the reel from saltwater does non protect it from corrosion because it does not remove table salt residues completely, and as said in a higher place, metal tin can corrode when exposed to humidity and moisture too.

Bottom line is : it's mandatory to clean your reel after a saltwater trip.

The goal is to remove all common salt residues left on the metal components of the reel so that they don't course rust flakes when they notice the right weather condition for information technology.

What happens when you don't clean your saltwater reel ?

Ok, enough with this boring science course 😀 Tell me how corrosion affects my saltwater reel ?

Corrosion can have a terrible impact on your reel and its overall functioning.

In a few words, a rusty reel is :

  • Non smooth when yous retrieve the line
  • Not helpful to proceeds control over fish during fights because the handle will not function as it should
  • Sabotaging when trying to cast far every bit corrosion blocks the smooth spinning of the spool
  • Risky because rust affects the drag system and may as a consequence induce line-cut offs and tackle/catches loss.

Now plain this damage happens gradually and you will not experience the above effects in the early stages of corrosion.

However, when yous volition starting time to find that the reel is not as smooth every bit it used to be, chances that it's already in a progressive stage of impairment which, unfortunately, cannot be reversed.

Corrosion is not the simply business concern after saltwater fishing.

Dirt, blood, guts, and sand particles can all get within the reel and cause damage. This hazard exists regardless of the type of line-fishing you exercise, simply fishing off sandy beaches increases the odds due to the boosted exposure to sand.

All this makes cleaning the reels afterwards saltwater fishing a critical task and something to do often.

How frequently should y'all make clean your saltwater reel ?

The short and worries-avoiding answer is : After every day of saltwater fishing.

In other words, if you want to avert worrying as well much near corrosion destroying your reel, keep on cleaning it subsequently every trip and information technology volition remain in optimal conditions for so long. Problem solved 🙂

Now if you want a more scientific reply, I would say that it all depends on :

  • The quality of your reel and whether it is made of anti-corrosion materials or non.
  • Are the interior parts of the reel made of stainless steel ?
  • Your fishing practices and where you lot put the reel.
  • How many times y'all go angling ?
  • Where you fish and how sparse the sand particles are ?
  • Whether the reel was completely or partly submerged in saltwater or not ?

And so if you lot want a precise answer to how frequently you need to clean your reel, consider all the points to a higher place and then determine. Chances are, you don't need to wash the reel every time you get home.

That being said, and based on my own experience, when I start doing so many considerations and calculations, I find it much easier to skip the cleaning process and go out information technology for the "next fourth dimension".

The problem is that this "next time" never comes and I keep procrastinating until the corrosion defects my reel.

And then unless you are a very disciplined person, I suggest developing the habit of cleaning your reel afterwards every saltwater trip.

This is the only way to keep your reel abroad from common salt-induced corrosion and therefore more durable and more efficient.

How to make clean your reel subsequently saltwater line-fishing ?

Alright, allow's movement now to how to clean the reel.

Equally already said, the cleaning process is very easy and should not take more than 10 minutes. Y'all but demand to follow seven simple steps :

Pace one : Tighten the drag

The get-go thing to do before you start cleaning is to tighten the drag to prevent h2o, sand, and salt from getting into the interior parts of the reel.

So before the first driblet of water, brand sure to plough the drag knob clockwise until you feel that the drag discs are well compressed with each other.

Footstep two : Freshwater and soap

Soak a make clean towel into a bucket filled with freshwater and soap, and then wipe downward the reel with the wet towel. Lather will brand table salt, oils, and clay buildups on the reel much easier to remove once we rinse with water.

If information technology'south a spinning reel, It's also recommended to remove the spool in club to make clean the interior spindle expanse. This is a hidden zone that water may non reach when we wash the reel. Then make certain to accept intendance of the underside of the spool because salt and sand tin can get into there as well.

Also, don't hesitate to apply any tool or castor that permits to get into hard-to-reach spots. I use cotton buds and erstwhile toothbrushes to make clean the tight areas of my reels.

Step 3 : Rinse the reel

At present it's time to rinse the reel and remove the soap.

The most important thing to remember here is to never put the reel directly nether a hose. As well, never apply and so much pressure when rinsing the reel. Yous don't desire to force common salt and sand particles into the inner components.

So keep it soft and gentle hither. If you desire an actress layer of rubber, just use a spray canteen…cypher more.

Make sure to remove soap from all sides and encompass the entire reel. Also, don't forget to water the spool if yous have taken information technology off.

Step 4 : Dry the reel

Now take another make clean and dry out towel and wipe the reel with it. Adjacent, leave the reel to air dry out for one or two hours.

Step 5 : Utilize a lubrification oil

Lubrification is an important step when cleaning your reel later saltwater fishing.

Every bit a dominion of pollex, you lot should only use the oil that came with the reel or oils recommended past the manufacturer.

If you don't have such information, talk to a professional for oil recommendations.

After you lot dry the reel, lubricate all its moving parts that you can access from the exterior. This includes the handle, the line-roller bearing, the bail arm, and the anti-contrary switch.

Recall to remove any oil backlog after y'all finish lubricating.

Stride 6 : Use a protective coating

Spray some protective coating onto a clean textile and wipe down all the metallic parts of the reel. This includes the reel seat, the gear housing, the anti-opposite, the bail arm, the roller…etc.

The protective coating shields confronting wet and prevents the other corrosive factors from reaching your reel. Information technology's, therefore, very of import to use it between your angling sessions.

Personally, I utilize the WD-40 solution. Information technology's pocket friendly, dries chop-chop and its effect lasts so long.

Another of import affair to remember here is to avoid touching the line with the blanket as information technology tin can crusade deterioration to some types of lines.

Step 7 : Loosen the elevate

To stop, loosen the elevate of the reel to free its washers from pressure level until the adjacent fishing trip. This is a good practise to keep the drag system in a good land and improve its life span.

Brusk tips when cleaning your reel afterwards saltwater angling

  • If whatever, make sure to read the manufacturer's maintenance instructions before cleaning the reel.
  • Never submerge your reel in water. This can leave some water within the reel and cause corrosion later.
  • If you are beach fishing, pay actress attending to not let the reel ever striking the sand.
  • Later on fishing, it'due south recommended to cut the department of line that had the almost contact with saltwater.
  • Attempt to have freshwater with you when yous become angling. It is good exercise to flush the reel from time to time when you are in the field.
  • When spraying h2o, continue the reel upright. In other words, never rinse the reel from the underside so the water has piddling risk of getting into the interior components.
  • Yous will need to totally disassemble your reel later on every twelvemonth or two of saltwater apply. The goal is to investigate every component and remove any common salt or dirt that tin not be removed by the simple cleaning method. Now u nless you lot are very familiar with this, I recommend to never exercise that by yourself and always ask the aid of a reputable professional person. The process involves disassembling every component and cleaning it thoroughly. Information technology likewise involves identifying defective components and replacing them with new ones.
  • You will likewise need to disassemble the reel if it gets totally submerged in water or sand in order to clean and dry every component. So exist careful where yous put the reel to avoid that.

Last word

Reels are one of the most expensive fishing equipment. As a result, they are the ones that deserve the largest share of our attention before, while, and later on line-fishing.

This worth is more important and disquisitional when fishing saltwater.

Salt accelerates the rusting procedure of metal components and can consequently reduce the performance and life bridge of your reels.

Dirt, fish claret and guts, and sand particles can likewise get into the inner parts of the reels and eventually cause damage.

Without enough intendance, saltwater reels gradually lose their smoothness and efficiency until they become completely flawed and non proficient for use.

That'south why you should clean your reel every time you get home from a saltwater trip.

The functioning does not take more 10 minutes, merely it has a huge affect on the long run and will keep your reel in brand-new status for then long.

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