
How To Properly Clean A Fish Tank For Betta

10 Easy Steps to Cleaning Your Betta Fish Tank

Sophie Passerini

Bettas are great fish for anyone to own. They can live in small bowls, tanks, or aquariums, so they don't require a ton of space. Bettas also don't require any aerated aquariums, because they take gulps of air instead. Therefore, betta fish make the perfect desk-sized companion.

My new betta fish, Felix.
  1. Gather All Necessary Tools
    Make sure you have all the tools required to clean your betta's tank before starting this process. Recommended tools: a sink, a plastic cup or fish net, paper towels, water conditioner, a large bowl, and a plastic spoon.
  2. Wash Your Hands
    It's extremely important that you take the necessary steps to avoid accidentally introducing germs or dirt into your betta's tank. These can both be very detrimental to your betta's health! Take a minute to wash your hands with soap and hot water. Be sure to thoroughly check to make sure all soap residue is gone before cleaning the tank because soap residue may kill your betta.
  3. Begin Transferring Tank Water
    Make sure all of the aquarium's heaters, filters, and lights are turned off and unplugged before beginning to clean the tank. With the cup, begin scooping out the water near the top of the tank until you have approximately 50 percent to 80 percent of the tank water in a separate bowl.
  4. Transfer Betta to Bowl
    Once a generous amount of water has been removed from the tank, gently use the cup (or a fish net) to scoop your fish out of the tank and into the bowl of tank water. Make sure you're cautious of the betta's fragile fins.
  5. Remove Tank Decor & Plants
    Carefully remove any plants (being careful of their roots) and any tank decor. Set these to the side for now.
  6. Empty Leftover Tank Water
    Pour the remaining water out of the tank, being careful to leave the gravel at the bottom of the tank.
  7. Cleaning the Tank, Gravel & Decor
    Move your tank under the sink faucet and proceed to rinse the gravel and sides of the tank with hot water. Use a tank scrubber to scrub the tank's sides. Use your hands to sift through the gravel thoroughly. Empty the water and repeat this process multiple times. Once the tank is clean, set it aside. Thoroughly rinse and softly scrub the tank's decor with hot water. Make sure to remove any algae.
  8. Replace Plants & Tank Decor
    Once you have cleaned the tank, gravel, and decor, place the plants and decor back into the tank.
  9. Refill the Tank
    Once your tank's decor and plants have been situated, slowly refill the tank with tap water. When refilling the tank try not to disturb the plants or gravel and be sure to leave enough room in the tank for the original water you removed. Use a plastic spoon to mix in the water conditioner in order to make the tap water safe for your betta.
  10. Reintroduce Your Betta
    Before reintroducing your betta to the tank, wait until the water has reached room temperature (somewhere between 72 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit is ideal). Then carefully transfer your betta and the old tank water into the freshly cleaned tank. Be gentle when moving your betta!

How To Properly Clean A Fish Tank For Betta


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